Posts Categorized: Media

Announcing the launch of the Capella Regalis Girls Choir

Help us raise $20,000 through our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign during the month of July 2022 and offer a free music education to girls ages 7-13!   Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir was founded by director Nick Halley in 2010 as a free, mentor-based music training program for boys. Capella Regalis is now fulfilling a long-time… Read more »

Evensong for The Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Evensong for The Eve of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, sung by the University of King’s College Chapel Choir, directed by Paul Halley. The anthem is “Annunciation”, a newly composed piece by Paul Halley based on the poem by Marie Howe (commissioned in honour of The Reverend Dr Gary Thorne on the 40th… Read more »

The University of King’s College Chapel Choir – Evensong Lent III

The University of King’s College Chapel Choir broadcasts Evensong from the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax. Nick Halley plays the organ voluntary, Psalm Prelude (Set I No. 3) by Herbert Howells, at the end of the service! Other featured music includes Hide Not Thy Face by R. Farrant, The Collegium Regale Service by H…. Read more »