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Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir broadcasts Choral Evensong – Feb 21, 2021

The men and boys of Capella Regalis, under the direction of Nick Halley, sang their first Evensong of term on the First Sunday in Lent. The service was audio-video recorded in the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, and is now available at the link below. You can also view or download the service bulletin [PDF] below.  

Listen to Choral Evensong on YouTube

Dinuk Wijeratne Trio at St John’s Anglican Church in Lunenburg

Listen to the Dinuk Wijeratne Trio featuring pianist and composer Dinuk Wijeratne, jazz drummer and world percussionist Nick Halley, and Tom Easley on the double bass! This concert, produced by Musique Royale, was recorded in Fall 2020 at St John’s Anglican Church’s as part of their Wednesday at Noon series.

The Bach Tree: Improv with Nick Halley & Dinuk Wijeratne

The 2020/21 Bach Tree Online Academy
February Feature: Impromptu in Practice

A program of the West Claremont Center for Music and the Arts (New Hampshire), The Bach Tree project seeks to cultivate creative and collaborative musicians. In response to the covid-19 pandemic, the Bach Tree has gone online and is offering a series of month-long courses through an online academy. Join Nick Halley and Dinuk Wijeratne for the month of February to learn interactively about the concepts, strategies, and techniques of improvisation through a 4-session online Zoom course. The program is open to improvisers, composers, and curious learners of all ages, with a cross-disciplinary bent. Each session is about 75 minutes. Begins Feb. 3, 2021 at 6:30 pm ET. To sign up and for more details, visit:

Video Podcast: A conversation with Nick Halley & Dinuk Wijeratne

Nick recently joined composer, conductor, and pianist Dinuk Wijeratne to respond to a question submitted by a young artist: “Was it ever difficult to advocate for your creative dreams and goals, rather than pursuing a slightly more traditional career path? Were there people along the way who did not understand your choices, and how did you deal with that?” In the course of their conversation, Nick speaks about his own artistic career which led him to Nova Scotia from New England and incidentally to playing drums for James Taylor. You’ll also hear from the charming and insightful Dinuk about the often circuitous nature of the path to fulfillment as well as about his own life which brought him from Sri Lanka to Halifax and beyond.
Listen here.

Winter 2020

A new decade is upon us and we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the King’s Chorus, as well as Capella Regalis, two choirs brought to fruition by Nick Halley. To celebrate, the King’s Chorus will be presenting its 10th anniversary concert featuring Handel’s Dixit Dominus, as well as pieces by other composers including Charpentier and Pärt.

Choral services are ongoing at the Cathedral Church of All Saints and the University of King’s College Chapel. The Cathedral Choir, Chapel Choir, and Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir, under the direction of Nick Halley and Paul Halley, continue to lend their voices to the great works of sacred music. Capella Regalis will be going on a westward tour May 20-31 with stops including Montreal, Kingston, Muskoka, and Toronto, with more details to come.

Every Wednesday at 5 PM in the Chapel, the Chapel Choir sings Choral Evensong, as well as a Solemn Choral Eucharist every Thursday at 5 PM in the Chapel. During Lent, Evensong will be held at the Cathedral Church of All Saints. These services continue weekly until the end of term, excepting the November study break. The Chapel Music Card lists the schedule of music for the term, including additional choral services.

Additionally, weekly chant services of Compline continue at the King’s Chapel on Monday and Tuesday nights at 9:30 PM. These services are sung by the Women’s and Men’s Compline Choirs, respectively.

The Cathedral’s Sundays at Four series is a series comprising evensongs, concerts, and special services, held each Sunday at 4 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to find peace out of the busy week and treat yourself to gorgeous music and beautiful words that will calm your mind and soothe your soul. All are welcome!

Choral Services at the King’s College Chapel

The University of King’s College Chapel Choir sings at Choral Evensong every Wednesday and Choral Solemn Eucharist every Thursday at 5 PM. During Lent, Wednesday Evensongs take place at All Saint’s Cathedral, Halifax.

Services of Compline by candlelight are sung on Mondays at 9:30 PM by the Women’s Compline
Choir and on Tuesdays at 9:30 PM by the Men’s Compline Choir

Click here for a complete list of music for choral services in the Chapel from Epiphany until the end of Lent.